Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Day Three- Still Fed and Clothed (And Clean!)

     Well, the fun thing about summer classes is that they have to squeeze so much material in such a short amount of time. Today my Classical Mythology professor said, "Today will kind of be Intro to Greek History and Intro to Roman History all in one day! So, bear with me." That was all kinds of cramming. In my Cultural Anthropology class, we're looking at ethnography meaning anthropologists that actually go out and live within foreign cultures, building a good rapport and becoming very involved or as they say, being "participating observers." If I weren't so interested in english and psychology, anthropology very well might be the next thing I was interested in!
     I think that I might still give off that new, doe-eyed look of a freshman because today in the JCL (Jester City Limits) which is pretty much a very tasty cafeteria, a man was kind of watching me and making sure "I knew where everything was." When I gave him my ID to pay he was kind of surprised. I'm pretty sure that there's an orientation going on, so he may have thought I was an orientee instead of a student. l:/
     I'm reading Jude the Obscure for something called Reading Round-Up where you read a book and then get to discuss it with a professor just before fall starts and I'm trying to squeeze in the 400+ pages along with all of my other reading. Kind of crazy. Other than that, I saw a gang of three squirrels today. Apparently in Austin squirrels travel in packs. I pictured the most adorable gang in existence complete with squeaked threats and generally squirrely activities.
     Well, I have to go read I suppose so until another day!

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