Monday, July 11, 2011

My First Day!

     Well, for starters, I absolutely love Austin and UT. The campus is bigger than my entire town and has about ten times the people easily. My first ever college classes were a little overwhelming today and I forgot to eat an actual meal until twenty minutes ago, but I know I'll fit in great.
     The classes I'm taking for this second summer semester are Introduction to Classical Mythology and Introduction to Cultural Anthropology. I'm much more excited about the mythology class just because I love to write and Greek and Roman (And Near East) mythologies are something I've never really had the opportunity to study before. It's almost like a historical english class. We only went over the basic "Twelve Olympians (Dodekatheon) which are- Zeus/Jupiter, Poseidon/Neptune, Hera/Juno, Demeter/Ceres, Aphrodite/Venus, Ares/Mars, Hephaestus/Vulcan, Apollo/Phoebus, Artemis/Diana, Athena/Minerva, Hermes/Mercury and Hestia/Vesta. That's probably too much information, but yeah! I'm exciting. I have a lot of reading homework to do and my legs hurt from walking all across the 40 acres of campus. I won't even have to work out at the gym at this rate!
     I'm in a smaller dorm called Prather and the community shower/bathrooms aren't bad at all. My roommate Jamichael is extremely cool and so far we've gotten along great! The most I've really had time to do is read, eat, walk and write. I'm afraid if I sit still for too long then I'll completely pass out! Aunt Claire's snacks are keeping me alive very well, so thank you for those. :)
     Well, about thirty pages of reading for both of my classes is calling my name so I'll have to upload another post soon and with pictures around campus. Until next time!

1 comment:

  1. The dorm that I lived in my freshman year was community shower/bathrooms. I actually really liked it. Someone else cleaned it and I never had to worry about making sure I'd bought toilet paper ;) lol

    Glad you're liking it so far!
